Nerd out by changing some of the sounds on your phone to bird songs (though most of these are actually calls) in order to learn them in the wild!
For example, in WhatsApp you can assign specific sounds to each person who chats with you…so every time I hear a Wilson’s warbler, I know it’s X person. Then in the forest, you hear X person and know it’s a Wilson’s warbler.
A little complicated, I know, but it has actually helped me learn the little peeps.
(All of the sounds and images are taken from All About Birds and eBird.)
Broad-billed hummingbird | Colibrí pico ancho | Cynanthus latirostris

Cassin’s kingbird | Tirano chibiú | Tyrannus vociferans

Ruby-crowned kinglet | Reyezuelo de rojo | Corthylio calendula

Blue-gray gnatcatcher | Perlita azul gris | Polioptila caerulea

American robin | Mirlo primavera | Turdus migratorius

Rufous-backed robin | Mirlo dorso rufo | Turdus rufopalliatus

Yellow-rumped warbler | Chipe rabadilla amarilla | Setophaga coronata

Wilson’s warbler | Chipe corona negra | Cardellina pusilla

Summer tanager | Piranga roja | Piranga rubra